What are dental veneers?
Teeth veneers, or dental veneers, are tooth-colored shells bonded to your teeth. This procedure is a form of cosmetic dentistry that will enhance and restore your smile using the latest advancements in smile reconstruction. Dental veneers can be composed of a resin, porcelain or a combination of both porcelain and resin. Porcelain veneers are stronger and last longer than other types of veneers. These shells are used to restore your teeth for number of reasons. If you have chipped, cracked, weak, discolored teeth or gaps between your teeth, dental veneers are a great way to solve these imperfections and give your smile a beautiful makeover.
Why choose porcelain veneers?
Porcelain veneers are stain resistant and tend to last longer than other veneers. The porcelain resembles a natural looking tooth and has a lustrous coating that will put a sparkle in your smile as it reflects light. The layers of porcelain provide protection and can prevent weaker teeth from further deterioration. If your teeth are slightly misaligned, teeth veneers can provide instant alignment and give you even-looking teeth.