Properly aligned teeth benefit your oral health apart from giving you a smile that shows great confidence. Crooked or crowded teeth make it more difficult to properly clean or floss your teeth, leading to serious dental problems, such as tooth decay. Straightening your crooked teeth will improve your smile and raise your self-esteem. Your trusted West Haven and Milford CT cosmetic dentist can help you straighten your teeth and give you the smile makeover you desire with orthodontic options that will get rid of the traditional metal wires. Check out these facts about Six Month Smiles and Invisalign, the clear solutions for straighter teeth:
Six Month Smiles adult braces. Braces used in the Six Month Smiles technique are lightweight and utilize wires and brackets with the same color as your teeth. Nickel wires are used to adjust the teeth that show when you smile, making them properly positioned and even. The best part about Six Month Smiles is that in as little as six months, people in the West Haven and Milford CT area can have beautiful, even-looking teeth without having to wear embarrassing metal braces.
Invisalign clear braces. Invisalign is another clear option to straigthen your teeth. A series of removable clear braces help to align your teeth and which are progressively adjusted as your teeth shift into the right place. Instead of using wires or metal, this treatment uses custom-made aligners for two weeks at a time, which slowly move the teeth into position. An even-looking teeth can be completed in about 3 to 18 months.
Orthodontics for adults and teens has never been easier. Your cosmetic dentist can use clear options to straighten your teeth and give you more reasons to smile. Call Shoreline Dental Care today for a consultation and appointment with your friendly West Haven and Milford CT area cosmetic dentist.