Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Invisalign adult braces in West Haven and Milford CT make beautiful teeth alignment

clear braces West Haven and Milford CT
Like it or not, an adult having crooked teeth generally leaves a worse first impression than someone whose teeth are straight. Studies show that nearly three-quarters of people concur that those with healthy-looking teeth are treated better than those with crooked teeth. Your Shoreline dentist in West Haven and Milford CT offers Invisalign, an orthodontic procedure that can straighten adult teeth without having to use the traditional metal braces that can be seen a mile away. The benefits of adult braces include:
  • Invisalign braces are fast, effective, and virtually invisible.
  • Invisalign patients will receive custom molded plastic clear liners that fit snugly over the tops of their teeth.
  • Approximately every two weeks, Invisalign wearers will receive new clear aligners graduated into a slightly different shape in order to gently coax the teeth into better and more beautiful alignment.
  • Invisalign usually takes only one year to complete treatment.
  • Invisalign clear aligners are removable for those times when you do not want to be wearing your clear aligners, such as when you need to attend an event, brush, floss, or eat.
  • Unless you are looking very closely and trying to find them, Invisalign adult braces are very difficult to see.
Dr. Joe Tartagni of Shoreline Dental Care, your West Haven and Milford CT cosmetic dentist, offers the Invisalign clear braces alternative to align crooked teeth. If you would like to know more about Invisalign clear braces, talk to your Shoreline dentist today.