Friday, February 10, 2012

Dental implants in West Haven and Milford CT: The closest thing to having natural teeth back

dental implants West Haven and Milford CT

When people reach a certain age and begin to lose their teeth, dentures are the traditional solution to restore missing teeth. The trouble with dentures is that they could get loose and float around your mouth while you are chatting with a friend. Also, dentures may cause you to miss the kinds of foods that you used to enjoy.

Fortunately, the miracle of modern cosmetic dentistry provides an excellent solution. Dental implants give you permanent dentures that make traditional dentures and dental bridges a thing of the past.

How are dental implants better than dentures?
For people who need to get new dentures – or for people who need to get dentures for the first time – an implant dentist can provide you with an excellent, permanent and superior alternative.  Dental implants are permanent, and they are the next best thing to having your original natural teeth back. That is because dental implants are attached to your jawbone, just like your original teeth.

Someone who currently has dentures can receive dental implants distributed throughout the mouth, which form a permanent base upon which a prosthetic crown can be installed. For someone who is simply missing a tooth, or several teeth, dental implants can also be used to form a base upon which a bridge or a solitary prosthetic tooth can be attached.

Now is the time
If you think now is the right time to see your dentist for having dental implants, get in touch with Shoreline Dental Care in West Haven and Milford CT dentist, today, and be prepared to enjoy life again!