Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Interesting facts about Invisalign you should know in West Haven and Milford CT

West Haven and Milford CT invisalign
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A beautiful smile can last a lifetime when you visit a West Haven or Milford CT orthodontist who specializes in adult braces. Invisalign is an alternative orthodontic procedure to straighten adult teeth. Consider these facts that make Invisalign interesting to teenagers and adults who want better-aligned teeth:

Invisalign can be removed when you need to. The most interesting aspect of Invisalign is that the clear aligners are removable. These custom-made clear aligners do their work but you can simply take them out whenever you want to eat or floss, or if you want to attend a special event without having braces in the way.

Patients use a new set of clear aligners about every two weeks. The Invisalign clear aligners are graduated so that each time you receive a new aligner every two weeks, your teeth are gently coaxed further into proper position. Though there may be some discomfort during the first day you put in a new set of aligners, the discomfort is reported to be much less than what is typically experienced with traditional adult braces after a tightening adjustment.

Patients can watch the progress of their teeth alignment. When they go to the cosmetic dentist for a check-up, they can look at the position of their teeth now, and what it was last month. Patients are thrilled to see the progress while their teeth are being straightened. With traditional braces, you have to wait until the end of the treatment to see results. 

Invisalign is fast. Typically, treatment with Invisalign takes about one year before it is completed; traditional adult braces can take two years or longer.

If you are interested in the clear braces option of Invisalign, get in touch with Shoreline Dental Care, West Haven and Milford CT dentist, to find out how you can get perfectly aligned teeth.