A sedation dentist in West Haven and Milford CT is the answer for patients who seek a comfortable and pain-free dental experience in a variety of ways:
- A sedation dentist provides the solution for dental anxieties. A sedation dentist like Dr. Tartagni is skilled at providing conscious sedation for patients who suffer anxiety and fear when going to the dentist. A sleep dentist can help you if you have a sensitive gag reflex or a history of trouble numbing with local anesthetic. With conscious sedation, procedures that require lengthy or multiple visits can be combined into one when your gentle dentist uses sedation dentistry.
- Conscious sedation for the best dental experience. Conscious sedation is sometimes all those patients need to enable them to seek out dental care with their trustworthy dentist, and allow them to improve their health and appearance. Your sedation dentist at Shoreline Dental Care offers two sedation alternatives: nitrous oxide and oral sedation. Nitrous oxide is a conscious sedation technique without lingering side effects, perfect to take the edge off minor anxiety or fear. For those patients with significant anxiety, longer treatments, difficulty numbing with anesthetic, or back and neck pain, oral sedation is a wonderful choice.
- Lengthy, repetitive visits can be combined into one. A sedation dentist in West Haven and Milford CT is particularly beneficial for reconstructive dentistry and restorative dentistry visits. Often, these procedures are lengthy and require multiple visits, but with sedation dentistry, a sedation dentist can combine lengthy and frequent visits into one with sedation dentistry.