Thursday, October 27, 2011

Reasons for getting your teeth whitened in West Haven or Milford CT

A great-looking smile begins with great-looking teeth. Whiter teeth will help you look and feel your best.  For the best teeth whitening treatment, you should consult your local West Haven or Milford CT cosmetic dentist who can provide you with the latest techniques and give you pertinent instructions for care and maintenance.  Other reasons for getting your teeth whitened by a professional include:
  • Cosmetic dentists can use products with high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, like BriteSmile and an innovative process called the deep bleaching technique, which yields a brighter, longer lasting result. 
  • Specially designed professional trays are used to keep the bleaching agent on teeth and away from your gums, which will result in less discomfort.  Most teeth-whitening procedures take about an hour with the whitening product on teeth for 15 to 20 minutes, over two or three intervals.  The best results come when multiple sessions are done a week or so apart. 
  • Another amazing option of the deep bleaching technique is that it can even be used in some cases to whiten teeth veneers.  Anyone with veneers can tell that as time passes there is inevitable discoloration of the teeth behind your veneers and ultimately leads to blue-gray discoloration.
  • The deep bleaching technique has the brightening ability to reach past the veneers and deep into the tooth.  Clients could avoid the extra cost and time necessary to replace aged veneers.
  • The best candidates for teeth whitening are those with yellowing stains from smoking or drinks like coffee, tea, or red wine.

Teeth whitening can give you the confidence to smile more and smile better. Call Shoreline Dental Care in West Haven and Milford CT and make that appointment that will give you whiter, healthier-looking teeth.