Sunday, October 30, 2011

What your cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT can do for you

Cosmetic dentistry involves dental treatments and procedures aimed more at improving the appearance of your teeth, mouth, and even your smile, rather than focusing on dental hygiene and disorders. There are various ways your cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford can help you with some of the more popular cosmetic dentistry treatments today. Here are the most common ones:
  • Composite bonding. This treatment is done to repair or improve the appearance of broken, chipped, decayed, or severely stained teeth. This procedure usually results in a restoration that would give you a flawless and radiant smile.
  • Teeth whitening. This is one of the most basic and most common cosmetic dentistry procedures where teeth are made clean from stains and discolorations due to poor oral hygiene, smoking, and certain food and drinks. Teeth whitening is done using a bleaching treatment for bright and even-colored teeth.
  • Dental veneers. This treatment involves bonding thin laminates of composite or porcelain material to the surface of a tooth in order to restore cracks and chips as well as to hide tooth discoloration.
  • Dental implants. Dental implants are used as artificial replacements for missing teeth. Dental implants can give you a youthful look in addition to enhancing your smile.
  • Smile makeover. A smile makeover is done to improve the overall appearance of the way you look when you smile by performing one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures that may include teeth whitening, dental implants, and dental veneers. Other treatments may be needed until you get the look that you want.
Cosmetic dentistry and your trusted cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT, Dr. Joe Tartagni, can offer you various options to give you a flawless smile many people dream about. Call Shoreline Dental Care today and find out how you may get the perfect smile that you deserve.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Reasons for getting your teeth whitened in West Haven or Milford CT

A great-looking smile begins with great-looking teeth. Whiter teeth will help you look and feel your best.  For the best teeth whitening treatment, you should consult your local West Haven or Milford CT cosmetic dentist who can provide you with the latest techniques and give you pertinent instructions for care and maintenance.  Other reasons for getting your teeth whitened by a professional include:
  • Cosmetic dentists can use products with high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, like BriteSmile and an innovative process called the deep bleaching technique, which yields a brighter, longer lasting result. 
  • Specially designed professional trays are used to keep the bleaching agent on teeth and away from your gums, which will result in less discomfort.  Most teeth-whitening procedures take about an hour with the whitening product on teeth for 15 to 20 minutes, over two or three intervals.  The best results come when multiple sessions are done a week or so apart. 
  • Another amazing option of the deep bleaching technique is that it can even be used in some cases to whiten teeth veneers.  Anyone with veneers can tell that as time passes there is inevitable discoloration of the teeth behind your veneers and ultimately leads to blue-gray discoloration.
  • The deep bleaching technique has the brightening ability to reach past the veneers and deep into the tooth.  Clients could avoid the extra cost and time necessary to replace aged veneers.
  • The best candidates for teeth whitening are those with yellowing stains from smoking or drinks like coffee, tea, or red wine.

Teeth whitening can give you the confidence to smile more and smile better. Call Shoreline Dental Care in West Haven and Milford CT and make that appointment that will give you whiter, healthier-looking teeth.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Tips for finding the best family dental practices in West Haven and Milford CT

Preventive dental care administered by your local West Haven or Milford CT family dentist is important for dental well-being.  By visiting a
dentist your family can trust, major dental problems identified early can save time, money, and stress.  Family dentistry offers patients with general and preventive dental care, which include routine cleaning, regular check-ups, gum disease evaluations, periodontal therapy, and much more.

Your dental health as well as those of your family’s is important and it should be entrusted in the hands of a caring and competent dentist who can ensure a comfortable and pleasant dental experience for everyone. Here are useful tips for finding the best dental care you want for you and your family:

1.       The internet makes it very easy to find local West Haven or Milford CT family dentists.  A good place to start your search is to look in Google or Yahoo for a family dentist in your area.
2.       Location and office availability should be considered for everyone’s convenience.
3.       Consider how the office handles dental insurance as well as payment options.
4.       When you take your family to a family dentist, look for family dental practices that have been serving the community for a while.

Every member of your family deserves to be treated well when visiting your trusted family dentist. Shoreline Dental Care and its entire dental team are dedicated to making your dental experience as pleasant and comfortable as possible while making sure you get the best care when it comes to family dentistry.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dental implants in West Haven and Milford CT: Freedom from dentures

If having missing teeth bothers you, dental implants allow people in West Haven and Milford CT with missing teeth to have another option for teeth restoration instead of dentures. Your Shoreline implant dentist offers implant dentistry as a top substitute for having plastic dentures. Here are the best reasons for choosing dental implants:

1.       Dental implants are anchored into the jaw using biocompatible titanium metal, making them stable and strong. Unlike dentures, this eliminates the possibility of your artificial teeth slipping or falling off, allowing you to eat and speak with confidence and comfort.

2.       Because dental implants feel like your natural teeth, you can chew and enjoy your food better than you can with dentures.

3.       Dental implants are easily accepted by the body through bone integration, help to maintain the jawbone, and prevent bone loss. Dentures, on the other hand, cause negative effects to the bone.

4.       Although newer dentures are made from materials that offer more comfort, they may still cause allergic reactions to some people, and many complain from denture pain and discomfort. With dental implants, the type of metal used is compatible with the human body.

5.       Dental implants allow for more options including mini dental implants.

If you are burdened with having missing teeth, your Shoreline Dental Care dentist in West Haven and Milford CT, Dr. Joseph Tartagni, can help with dental implants as an option to restore your missing teeth and improve your life. Talk to your trusted Shoreline dentist about dental implants and find out why it is best for you.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cosmetic dentistry in West Haven and Milford CT offers solutions for a better smile

West Haven and Milford CT cosmetic dentists
Cosmetic dentistry is a form of reconstructive and restorative dentistry, which requires, among others, the artistic skills of a cosmetic dentist. Cosmetic dentists are professionals who specialize in various techniques of enhancing a person’s smile using advanced technology and the modern dental procedures.

What is cosmetic dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry involves more than just whitening your teeth.  It includes various procedures aimed primarily at improving the appearance of your smile, renewing your confidence and self-esteem.  With cosmetic dentistry, there is always a reason to smile.

Procedures with cosmetic dentistry
There are several procedures that cosmetic dentists can perform to improve the way your teeth and smile look - from teeth whitening to replacing or restoring missing or damaged teeth.  These procedures include teeth whitening, fillings, dentures, dental implants, orthodontics, tooth bonding, dental veneers, crowns, and bridges.  Cosmetic dentists use both traditional and modern materials to transform the appearance of your teeth and your smile. All these are done without compromising your utmost comfort.

If you are living in the West Haven and Milford CT area and you think cosmetic dentistry can make your life better with a great-looking smile, your Shoreline Dental Care cosmetic dentist is available to talk you to and enlighten you in ways about how to transform your smile.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Some things you should know about porcelain veneers in West Haven and Milford CT

West Haven and Milford CT porcelain veneersAs you age, your teeth are susceptible to various dental problems. These include tooth decay, chipped or broken tooth, and stained or discolored teeth – all of which could lead to your loss of confidence when smiling or talking. By using porcelain veneers, your Shoreline dentist in West Haven and Milford CT, who offers cosmetic dentistry, can restore that confidence and give you back your bright smile.

Why do I need dental veneers?
Using dental veneers to enhance your smile is an excellent option if you have one or more of the teeth problems mentioned above. This cosmetic dentistry procedure allows for correcting your teeth imperfections with the cosmetic purpose of improving the appearance of your teeth when you smile. Your trusted Shoreline cosmetic dentist performs this procedure by creating dental veneers made of thin layers of porcelain that perfectly matches the color of your natural teeth. These laminates are bonded to your damaged or stained teeth to restore their shape, size, and color.  Slightly misaligned teeth can also be made to look straight with porcelain veneers.

Is the procedure for porcelain veneers painful?
The procedure for teeth veneers is generally painless. For people who worry about pain that may result from the procedure, your Shoreline cosmetic dentist can also administer sedation dentistry, providing options for a painless and comfortable experience.  The sedation dentist will help to relax your mind and body and ease any dental anxiety you may have by using medically approved sedatives. The only thing you will feel is the confidence that comes from having great and natural-looking teeth, as well as the reasons to show your smile more often.

If you hide your smile because of damaged or stained teeth, Dr. Joseph Tartagni of Shoreline Dental Care will be happy to provide the solution that will restore your confidence. Consult with your Shoreline cosmetic dentist today and get the smile you have always wanted.

Monday, October 10, 2011

How can a Six Month Smiles treatment fix my crooked teeth?

West Haven and Milford CT invisalign
Image courtesy of
Do you hide your teeth when you talk, laugh or smile? Are you embarrassed with your crooked teeth when around people? Many adults with crooked teeth are anxious about wearing metal braces, believing it is something for teenagers. With modern orthodontics, a safe, effective, and affordable approach to straighten your crooked teeth is available with your trusted Shoreline cosmetic dentist.

Six Month Smiles is a revolutionary orthodontic technique, which uses clear braces to gently but quickly align and straighten your crooked teeth in about six months time rather than three years. It is the answer to anxieties with metal braces.

Your Shoreline cosmetic dentist can recommend Six-Month Smiles to correct various orthodontic problems, including:
  • Crowding – when teeth are too close together and are misaligned
  • Gaps – when there are spaces between the teeth
  • Overbite – when teeth overlap too much
  • Overjet – when front teeth stick out
  • Underbite – when lower teeth stick out
  • Crossbite – when upper and lower teeth bite on the wrong side of each other
  • Openbite – when teeth do not meet when you bite
  • Misplaced midline – when the centre lines of upper and lower teeth don't align
If you have any of the teeth problems mentioned above, you can take the first step towards improving your smile and your confidence by consulting with your trusted orthodontist at Shoreline Dental Care. Call today and learn more about Six Month Smiles and how it can do wonders for you.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Top reasons for choosing sedation dentistry in West Haven and Milford CT

dental sedation West Haven and Milford CT
Sedation dentistry is an amazing way to ensure an anxiety-free experience for people undergoing dental treatments. Truly, sedation dentistry is a big relief for many people who suffer from fear of dentists or dental procedures. The benefits of sedation dentistry are available to residents of West Haven and Milford CT when they visit their trusted Shoreline sedation dentist. If you suffer from dental anxieties, here are the top reasons why sedation dentistry is right for you.
1. Fear no more. Sedation dentistry is aimed at helping patients get rid of their fear of dentists and dental procedures. The idea of pain and discomfort is too much for some people as to avoid or postpone a visit to the dentist even if they need it. With sedation dentistry, you will feel completely at ease and calm, ready for any dental procedure.
2. Time saved is effort saved. Sedation dentistry allows for multiple procedures in a single visit, something that is beneficial for people who find it difficult to frequently see their dentist.
3. Less cost for you. Frequent visits to the dentist can be expensive. With sedation dentistry, a single visit to the dentist can be used to the fullest when several procedures are required. Because this is something beneficial to your sedation dentist, you can ask for discounts or package deals with your treatments.
4. A painless and dream-like experience. Sedation dentists can administer sedatives and medications that help to put you in a relaxed and calm state. You can choose from different levels of sedation – from mild to deep. You can choose to remain conscious during the entire procedure, respond and talk to your dentist without feeling any anxiety or fear.
Shoreline Dental Care offers the benefits of sedation dentistry in West Haven and Milford, helping patients to break free from dental anxieties. Talk to your trusted sedation dentist today and free yourself from pain and worry.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Restore Your Smile in West Haven or Milford CT

West Haven and Milford CT dental implants
A dental implant is certainly a man-made tooth root the periodontist places for your jaw to help keep an alternative tooth or bridge. 

Dental implants really are a perfect choice for people in good general oral health who've lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, injuries, along with other reason. While high-tech in character, dental implants are actually more tooth-saving than traditional bridgework, since implants don't rely on neighboring teeth for support.

Dental implants are very natural looking and feeling, that you may forget you lost a tooth. You will be aware your confidence relating to your teeth affects your emotions in relation to you, both personally and properly. Possibly you hide your smile because of spaces from missing teeth. Maybe your veneers don't feel secure. 

Possibly you've got difficulty eating. If you are missing numerous teeth and wish to smile, speak and eat again with comfort and confidence, there's very good news! Dental implants are teeth that could look and feel as if it is really your own! Under proper conditions, for instance positioning having a periodontist and diligent patient maintenance, implants lasts a very long time. Extended-term studies still show improving success for implants.

For dental implant you may visit Morgan Dental Care, Main area and help restore not only your teeth, but your confidence, consult with us today.

Monday, October 3, 2011

What is considered a dental emergency?

West Haven and Milford CT dental emergencyNot all dentists in West Haven and Milford CT area offer emergency dental care. When you have a dental emergency, it’s important to have access to your dentist’s contact information. The following cases are considered dental emergencies, in which you need the immediate assistance of a reliable dentist:

·         Trauma or injury to the teeth in accidents.
·         Severe pain due to an infected tooth.
·         Serious gum disease that affects facial bones.
·         Loose or broken tooth.
·         Gum infection that results in swelling.

If you are in West Haven or Milford CT who need emergency dental care, you should look for an emergency dentist who is willing to respond to dental emergencies. You should also look for a dental facility which has the basic dental equipment as well as diagnostic tools such as dental x-rays and video imagery.

In cases where there is severe damage to teeth, a cosmetic dentist may be required for restorative work after initial treatment. Having a skilled cosmetic dentist in such situations is a major advantage in this kind of emergency dental work.

For pain management during the actual emergency dental procedures, an emergency dentist who can administer sedation dentistry can offer local anesthesia to ease the pain and stress of the dental emergency. A good sedation dentist like your Shoreline dentist in West Haven and Milford CT can safely use oral medication to make the procedure pain free.     

For dental emergencies in West Haven and Milford CT, remember to call your trusted Shoreline dentist, Dr. Joseph Tartagni for a prompt and effective response. With Shoreline Dental Care, you can be sure you are in good hands.